Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Insanity or Motherhood?

Lucy embarrassed the hell out of me yesterday at the shops screaming and carrying on, hence my new plan - "breaking spirit of small child."

Taking her out everyday in public.

Back to 1,2,3.

Stopping her drinking so much damned milk....

Getting her to quit peeing in her pants in public - she doesn't do it at home, she doesn't have to do it out..

RESPECT! I am sick of the back chat!




well if that isn't the insane laugh of a mother I don't know what is :-p

the definition of insanity = repeating the same action and expecting a different reaction.... Motherhood to a 't'

Thursday, September 14, 2006

It's so hard to have your heart walking around outside your body!

I love Lucy. So incredibly much. A great friend is up the duff (hehehe)(sucker lol) and it has really got me thinking. I love my daughter, what can I do to make her life better? I used to say it everyday for the big-ex. I would wake up each day and think 'what can I do today that will help you out - make your day a bit easier?' Every day I would find one more thing that I could do for him, or do to help him. I have never really done that with my daughter. Perhaps because I know she is stuck with me? That she will never leave? I know obviously that one day she will, and I would like her to leave me as the best possible person she can be at the time.

So, starting from today I am implementing changes into our lives. More good food, more art, more bike riding downstairs. I need to find another mothers group - I have nearly lost contact with mine as they are all on their second babies, busy and absent from my more simple life. Lucy is good hearted, intelligent (smarter than me already... and I have several examples I can give for this statement), and polite. What a great canvas to work with her on! It is strange, because you think that you know what love is, but until you have a tiny child that is yours to care for and protect - you have no CONCEPT of the power.

You know that feeling where you think your heart is bursting with love? Have a child and you will have it every day. Even on the bad days!! (Lucy cried in the car from Joondalup to Perth today because I said we had to get off the moving plane in the shopping centre{who the f*** invented those BTW???}-and I still have those feelings!!)

You know that feeling where you would die to protect the one you love? Have a child and you would of course die to protect them, but you will also LIVE your life to protect them, to nurture them.

"I will carry your first cry wherever I go" - Paula D'arcy

"No one tells you that the change is irreversible. That you will feel in your heart every pain, every loss, every disappointment, every rebuff, every cruelty that she experiences life long." - Pam Brown

I had Lucy, and I stopped wondering about the meaning of life, because I held her in my hands.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Note to self...put Lucy in oven...

"I could learn photography. That could be something to want. I could photograph children. I could have my own children. I would give them yellow roses. And if they got too loud, I would just put them some place quiet. Put them in the oven. And I would kiss them every day, and tell them you don't have to be anybody, because I would know that being somebody doesn't make you anybody anyway." -Gia Carangi

Saturday, September 9, 2006

Cousins wedding

It was a great day, Lucy was gorgeous, all dressed up in a blue satin flower girl outfit... I got her ready, then put her in the car to leave and she was SOO cute... then she opened her mouth:
"I faaarted mommy! Hehehe!!"
Yes, you can make her LOOK gorgeous, but act it? NEVER!!

We got to the wedding early, to get the pictures of all the girls getting ready, and of course Lucy gets shy and wouldn't go near all these strangers..
Most of the family and the four bridesmaids all came from Japan for the weekend, and the girls saw Lucy and started taking pictures squealing and giggling... My Uncle said "I don't know what they said, but I'm guessing it's Japanese for 'aww... cute!!'"

Photographer was exceptionally patient with Miss Terrible Two, and managed to get some gorgeous shots..

And then the bridesmaids swarmed around while she hammed it up while they took more pics...

She refused to walk with the bride, and made her own entrance to the wedding, then she spent the rest of the ceremony swinging off a pole...

Then the reception, at a restuarant in Mandurah where...
we saw dolphins!!!

In the speeches everyone cried as the dad said something none of us understood, but he was crying, so the rest of us did to - it was so sweet....
Then the brother gave a speech and Lucy said really REALLY loudly "I wanna go home.."

My cousin and his wife looked stunning, and they seemed really happy, Yoriko realised Adam was teasing her in English and smeared icing on his nose - so cheeky :-)

All in all it was a great day, and Lucy was sooo well behaved - everyone said what a good girl she was, and how polite and cute..

So congratulations to Adam and Yoriko, the odds are in their favour (only one marriage in our family has lasted so far, another good marriage is statistically probable!)

Friday, September 8, 2006

Psycho Mother Turns Child Lesbian Before Child Can Say Lesbian!!

Yesterday Lucy was looking for Ken, to make a family.

She has a favourite Barbie, and a barbie baby, she gets Ken involved to complete the family.
She couldn't find Ken anywhere, and was getting a bit upset about it.
To stave off the tears I told her that in some families a baby can have two mommies.

Her reply?

"WOW!! YEAH!!"

She hasn't touched Ken since...

Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Shiny happy people kind of day

Aaah... Today we went to the Galleria Shopping Centre, for plates and a present for a friend of mine. We borrowed mums car to go, which was a real treat :-) It wasn't until we arrived that I noticed the stroller was missing from the boot... Hmmmm....... to go back or not to go back. To have a handy timeout chair in my immediate vicinity or to wing it.. We chose life. We winged it!!

Lucy was actually really well behaved, she only ran off once, and she was good after I threatened her with having to sit in the trolley for the rest of the trip. She walked by my side, and was cheerful and pleasant. I bet you are thinking, "Oh, then it didn't take long then?"

How wrong you are. If you thought that, then you obviously have never spent much time listening to me rant about the friendly, chatty nature of my lil Lucy. EVERY single person that walked past us got at least smiled at, although most of the people we passed got talked to, and some got kisses blown when we eventually moved another inch forward..

You may think that I am exaggerating here, after all, it is a big, busy shopping centre. I'm not. At all :-( I wish I were.

We talked to all sorts of people (yes, even one in a wheelchair - who Lucy was very polite to), we talked to old people, young people, people with kids, people who looked although kids may in fact be demon spawn... (I liked these people, I like it when Lucy smiles and says "I like you lady," and ruins all the complaints they may have against unruly children in shopping centres all over the world.)

So anyway, we eventually reached the shop we wanted, and began to look at plates. Word of warning to you all - never let a child who doesn't know all of their colours choose anything for the house.. Seriously.

So we bought a dinner service (two actually in case of breakages - there is a klutz in the house. Yeah, yeah, I break things all the time). We also bought some contact lense solution, and I had the most interesting conversation paying for this cleaner, trying to explain what contacts are, what they do, and *gasp!* how they work???

Keep in mind that the Lucy doesn't yet understand about the man downstairs who is deaf, and we see him nearly everyday. She gets mad at him because she says "hello man" and he 'ignores' her every time.

Then we went on the hunt for Gemmies bday present, which was accompanied by a tuneful rendition of 'happy birthday.' On repeat. Volume - high (highest?)

In between talking to everyone from one end of the mall to the other of course.

We found what we were looking for, and then went and had KFC for lunch (we never have fast food, because I hate the idea of walking to the closest ones to get it - it kinda becomes slow food..).

Lucy had one nugget and a toy (grrr....) and I had a burger (oh yum).

On the way home (less than ten minutes away) Lucy fell asleep. In the car. Which she hasn't done since she was really little. Oh unless you count driving to and from the desert six hours each way (at night time no less). Then the last time was only several months ago.

So I decided not to wake her, and to take advantage of having a car at my disposal. It has been too long since my last road trip!!

So we travelled from Morley to Cottesloe, and then up to Whitfords via the most scenic, coastal route we could take.

What a beautiful day!! Emerald ocean, no traffic, bright sun, clear skies and a sleeping child - if there is a god he couldn't have planned my day any better :-)