Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Went into the city today, spent too much money on clothes and a haircut for Lucy. $13 for a two year olds cut! I am in shock, because normally I cut it myself at home while she is colouring. But I am the only one in my mothers group who even dared to do such a thing (even though it looks fine) so I was peer pressured into paying :o(

Bought clothes for each of us, for the new season that arrived before I realised.. spent as much on her tiny scraps of material as I did on mine lol, kids clothes cost a small fortune :op

The on the way home yet another "Lucy-why-did-you-say-that-now-I-want-to-crawl-into-a-hole-and-die" incident occurred. She is very intrigued at the moment, with people who are different. Last time we caught the train to my mums house, she pointed at a girls peircings and said "wassat mommy?" When I gave her an inadequate response, she went right up to her face, and pointed again. "No mommy, WASSAT?!!"

Todays crawl in a hole occurred when we got on the train with a heap of disabled passengers. People who were mentally disabled, physically, a blind guy etc.... One of the girls in a wheelchair had some sparkly streamers, and Lucy pointed oh so subtley at her and said......................

"Oooh, bitty barkles!!" (rough translation - pretty sparkles)

PHEW!! I was so relieved I didn't see her eyeing off another girl in a wheelchair. When I heard-

"Mommy... dat lady a baby? lady pram mommy... LOOK mommy..... mommy, baby lady.."

Oooh, earth, open up and swallow me whole!!

She then proceeded to tickle random adults, giggling and saying "I like you lady," to the ladies AND the men. Hmmm..... I think we need to work on her comuter skills.....

It could have been worse though - there was a baby on the train screaming it's wee head off, surrounded by a bunch of displeased adults. At least our end of the carriage were cracked up laughing....
Even if it was in a 'hey I've just been molested by a two year old' kinda way

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